Source Material Characterization for Cell Therapy Discovery and Development

Accellix supports blood centers with characterizing source materials that are supplied to cell therapy companies, from discovery research through late-stage development. These products range from RUO leukopak products for discovery research to clinical grade leukopaks from healthy donors. The Accellix Platform, ideally suited for placement within blood centers at the point of collection alongside an apheresis system, offers:

  • Automated flow cytometry, from sample to analysis.
  • Delivery of precise, reliable, reproducible results within 30 minutes.
  • One hour operator training.

This is the only platform that enables high quality cell therapy source material characterization within 30 minutes at the point of collection, enabling the timely shipment of leukopak products with a Certificate of Analysis immediately following collection.

American Red Cross Cell-and Gene Therapy Solutions

Customer Spotlight

American Red Cross Source Material Characterized using the Accellix Platform (Coming in 2025)

American Red Cross Cell and Gene Therapy Solutions is uniquely positioned to support cell therapy companies as a single-source provider of allogeneic collections. With over 30 years of apheresis collections experience, a centrally managed nationwide apheresis network of seven collection sites, and the ability to leverage a large diverse national donor base, they provide high-quality starting materials, including leukopaks, PBMCs, and other source materials, collected using standardized GMP-compliant procedures.

The Accellix technology is being integrated across all Red Cross Cell and Gene Therapy Solutions collection sites to enhance blood characterization workflows at the point of collection. This implementation enables precise and reliable characterization of leukopak products (T, B, M, NK) within 30 minutes post-collection, improving the efficiency of fresh starting material processing. It also enables the shipment of leukopak products with a Certificate of Analysis (COA) immediately following collection, supporting client needs more effectively.

Reliable source material is essential for ensuring consistency, minimizing variability, and maintaining quality throughout the development and manufacturing process. By providing leukopaks collected under standardized, GMP-compliant procedures and offering characterization of cell populations (T, B, M, NK), Red Cross Cell and Gene Therapy Solutions helps accelerate timelines, reduce risks, and support the successful translation of therapies from research to commercialization.

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